Sunday, May 13, 2007

Relaxation and Reflection

The train ride gave us plenty of time to watch some movies and relax after visiting the Golden Triangle (Agra, Jaipur, and Delhi). Let me use this post to explain some of what I’ve neglected.

Weather: It’s hot and humid. Daily it’s been around 90-95F with about 50% humidity. The evenings would drop into the mid 70s. Ongole would turn out hotter, about 90-110F with 50-75% humidity. It’s hot, we sweat a lot, but you get used to it… a little.

Countryside: It’s basically a dessert this time of year. From the end of June to November the monsoons turn the country into a lush environment, from what I hear. It’s fairly flat and reminds me of southern Idaho without the mountains.

Sellers: India has a wide variety of shops and they all want to sell you something. In the bigger cities you can only walk about 50 feet before someone wants to practice English, invite you to a shopping centre, or straight out just want money handed to them. The beggers will tend to follow you 100 yards or so before they give up. None of the sellers by themselves are bad but all together they really put a drain on your ability to maintain a polite “no thank you”.


Anonymous said...

Beware heat rash... Sucks like nothing has ever sucked.

Michael Mink said...

Yea, I got heat rash on my neck and forehead I currently can't sweat from either place and won't be able to for a few more weeks.