Tuesday, May 29, 2007

May 22 – Salt does a body good

So After I blogged in Hyderabad’s High Tech City I went back to the airport to meet with Jenneli and Brooke at 2pm. On my way there I started feeling a little ill, this feeling increased more as the day wore on and by 2pm I was feeling in pretty bad shape. Most likely due to the heat. I really need to start being better about my exposure to the heat. I call Brooke and found out that their train had been delayed 4 hours! So they had sat at the train station in Ongole from 4am to 8am waiting for the train. I had sympathy for them but sympathy wasn’t going to get me into the air conditioned bliss of the airport. Sadly I trudged off to an auto-rickshaw and headed for AC restaurant.

I arrived at the restaurant ok but unfortunately after eating a couple bites of excellent nan & curry I had to go to the bathroom. I came back with a lighter stomach and not feeling much better. After 1.5 hours I had a couple more bites and felt a little better. I thanked the staff and explained the food was outstanding however I wasn’t feeling well, and it was no fault of theirs.

I got back to the airport feeling much better and the girls arrived an hour or so later. In to the airport we went and it felt good to know I wouldn’t be sweating again till Bombay. However we did need to figure out how to burn 4 hours till the plane took off. Fortunately there was a great little restaurant with it’s own hidden entertainment.

About half way through our dinner 2 things happened, first I figured out I was severely lacking salt, which explained my earlier sickness and a colony of moths had infested the air vent. They turned on the fans and I kid you not about 2000 moths blew into the restaurant and proceeded to panic the staff and bewilder the patrons. After about 10 minutes most of the little moths had fallen to the floor for reasons I can’t explain and the staff started sweeping them up.

I also should mention that after 3 orders of French fries and ½ a shaker of salt I felt 100% better. Note to self, more salt in the future.

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