Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Being sick in the heat isn't fun

So as you've probably noticed it's the 22nd and I've been horrible about updating for the past week. I still don't have pictures but I'm determined today is the day! I have 3 hours to get them uploaded, should be plenty of time.

So after getting chairs on Monday we worked a little through the week and Wednesday I believe was the night that Jenneli and Brooke decided to get a sari and a Punjab. Hopefully I’ll be able to add some pictures so you can see what they look like. Brooke had the most success with getting both her sari fabric and her Punjab fabric. Jenneli got her Punjab but couldn’t find fabric she really liked for the sari. I was going to play chess with Rockesh however somehow the idea came across that I we would go watch the girls pick out cloth. I was a bit bored and hot.

Doom struck when we got home and I developed a sore throat. By morning I was sick. It was not fun and very uncomfortable. The next 3 days I spent in the house trying to recover as fast as I could. Yesterday was the first day I could function at any real level. Even today I’m blowing my nose a bit.

Colds are not fun when it’s hot.

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