Sunday, May 13, 2007

Doom: its small blue and oblong

Before we left America Jenneli and I got a battery of shots and pills to help us survive the many trials and tribulations our innocent bodies may face. Malaria pills being the only daily pill we have to take. The directions indicate that one should take them with water. Up to this morning we had been taking them with food and water, this morning we took them before food.

Within 10 minutes I was not feeling so hot but attributed it to the heat. By the time we had sat down to breakfast my stomach had had enough so off to the bathroom I went. I got back to the table and Brooke and Jenneli had pitty for me but then Jenneli wasn’t looking so hot. About the time she had finished her Chai her stomach had had enough as well. After another bought for me a few minutes later we both were feeling better.

Lesson: Take malaria pills with water AND food.

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