Friday, June 1, 2007


My daily routine in Ongole usually includes a few strolls through residential areas, usually to and from work. In a land that doesn’t really have garbage cans the residents of Ongole have some great traditions to beautify their homes and streets. My favorite so far is the art of rangoli.
Basically they are designs made with white powder to decorate the path
leading to a home. Sometimes they are elaborate with many colors,
sometimes very simple but they are always fun andinteresating to look at.

As luck would have it Bindu is a master at rangoli and has won awards in Ongole for her beautiful rangoli. I’ve
included some pictures but you’ll have to imagine walking down a little
dirt road and seeing a little design to greet you in front of every
single little house you pass. I’m trying to getBindu to show us how to make a few simple designs so we can occasionally mystify our neighbors with a little rangoli of our own.

For more information you can read the wiki: Rangoli

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