Friday, June 8, 2007

Odds and Ends and some Pictures!

I thought I might take a moment and share with you some more Indian culture with a few photos and some explanation:

You might have thought making food with a mortar and pestle was ancient history but you would be wrong. This could also be why the curry is so good here! I also passed the craftsman that hand carves the mortar and pestles. He is always busy so there must be a steady demand. I can't imagine them breaking.

I've talked about Indian toilets before but if hear is a picture if you haven't seen one.

Yep that's me! I'm wearing a dhoti because it's the coolest clothing I can get and not offend the natives. In larger cities I can wear shorts but inOngole it's best to wear pants. I usually don't wear the dhoti out of the house because I haven't mastered the wrap and it has a tendency to come undone. Plus I think people can tell it's not done right. Hopefully in the coming weeks someone will clue me in.

Those would be water buffalo, I'll have to blog about the crazy ongole cow they have here at a different point. The water Buffalo lounge around and basically just act like cows in the town. You'll see
them laying in the middle of the street or munching on some food off to
the side. You might also see a couple little pigs in the front. This is
also right in front of ourapartment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would give my left nut for that mortar and pestle she has...

What you say is soooo true. I have one tiny sescab mortar and pestle that I got from the mayans in southern mexico. I grind anything and everything in it. The more you use it the better it makes the food. And it HAS to be natural stone. I have a porcelain one that is huge and I almost never use it because it sucks.