Friday, June 8, 2007

EWB – San Diego – The quest for clean water.

As part of our volunteer work Jenneli and I are helping Eric from EWB – San Diego finish a water project. Earlier EWB - San Diego had implemented a plan to provide clean drinking water to a small village. They had most of it constructed and were well on the way to finishing when they discovered the well they wanted to use to supply it was contaminated. So with the infrastructure done Jenneli and I, with Eric’s guidance, are trying to find a new well location that will supply the clean water. Unfortunately it’s harder than it sounds.

First of all very few areas are suitable for wells, there can be contamination from livestock, trees, fertilizer, ponds and human activity. So after some searching and a couple site visits we may have found a suitable location unfortunately it’s on private land and we’ll need to figure out how to negotiate access. Luckily SDRWC the local NGO can help us do that! If all works out we’ll be drilling a new test well in the coming days!

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