Saturday, July 21, 2007

An Ancient Oasis

Monday evening Jenneli were back on the night train heading for Hospet, which is next to Hampi, which is the sight of some ancient ruins. We lucked out with the best train compartment we’ve seen yet! We slept well and after getting off the train found a great little hotel for $5 next to a large river and in sight of some of the ruins. Jenneli’s tender tummy had a wonderful helping of porridge as we found the restaurant on the roof to have a wide mix of world food. We took it easy till the mid afternoon at which point Jenneli seemed to have made a full recovery.

In the afternoon we visited the ruins. Jenneli said it best “This is the most photogenic place I’ve ever been”! Yeah! From Jenneli! The girl who takes an average of 150 photos a day on a trip! I’ll have to let the pictures speak for themselves, but I’ve never seen anything that looked quite so much like an ancient oasis.

It’s now the morning of the next day and I’m catching up on the blog before we have an autorickshaw tour at 10am. My stomach made me nervous last night but I believe it was the 2 lemon tonic waters I had earlier. They were very yummy but I think my stomach didn’t like all the acidity and bubbles.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mike! My dad was visiting yours down in Coeur d'Alene, and he forwarded your blog info. Congrats on the engagement!! I just scoured your earlier blog posts until I found the story. Anyway, I'm so happy for you!

Stay cool in India.

Unknown said...

Michael and Jenneli,

Those pictures are amazing!! How beautiful! Your subject matter is wonderful - but your eye is even better. Thanks for sharing!!

Glad your tummies are feeling better!