It was sad to see Bryan, Ann Marie and Christian leave, though we were happy that they all had decided to see the Taj Mahal before they had to leave India for good. We think our pictures might have convinced them it was the thing to do. ;) As much as we tried to get it all done before they left we still have lots to do before we leave Ongole on the 14th, and as I discovered getting the tickets today, we need to leave a day earlier that we planned. The rain has also slowed down our work over the past couple weeks with a couple days lost to massive downpours. I should also add that the weather in Ongole cooled down dramatically after Jenneli and I arrived, which puts us in much better spirits as hellish heat isn’t conducive to getting anything done.
So what’s left to do?
JP – Check that the bases for the 2 pumps are completed, test the water quality and explain solar disinfection
BSP – Install 2 new hand pumps, Repair 1 hand pump, Create bases for the 2 new pumps, test the water quality and explain solar disinfection
SRPP – Fix the bio-sand filter, get bases made for the dalite wells
VP – Ensure 8 bore wells are dug, install 8 hand pumps, repair one old hand pump, test the water quality and explain solar disinfection
Here are some pictures of us all installing pumps: